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I chose David Bailey to look at my target audience because he is a fashion and Portrait photographer. I chose him because I am doing Portrait and Black& White photography. With the statistics given from the YouGov website is tells me my target audience and the gender of people interested in Portrait photography and the age of people.

Now knowing this information, it tells me who is more interested in the type of photography I am doing and how to target more. I am using my niece as my model to. It also gives me the opportunity to investigate different photo ideas for my Final Major Project.

With the type of photography, I intend to reach my target audience by thinking about what they would like to see and what I can produce to interest them in my work. With my work I will be aiming it at women.

When thinking about my target audience the ages of people are different.

- There is 50% of people aged 55-73 years olds (baby boomers) that are interested in this type of photography.

- There are 41% of people aged 39-54 years olds (generation X) that are interested.

- There is 11% of people aged 23-38 years olds (millennials) that are interested.

With further research I have done there is another category called Generation X which is not show in the statistics I have shown above. This category is for people aged between 22-7. Few people in this age bracket are interested in this type of photography.

I I tried to aim mine at 27 and below as I am using a child for mine.

From the screenshots above from the YouGov website I can see:

35% of women are interested.

24% of men are interested.

I this task into my objectives in Teams so I can mark down once I have done it. This will help with my development of my FMP because I can keep track of what I have done and what I still need to do as I can mark off when I have completed the task I am working on.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 2021. David Bailey popularity & fame | YouGov. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 May 2021].

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