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Here is a survey I created and the results to the survey. I have also included the link to my survey.

From this survey I can see all the people that took part are female and they enjoy photography whether that is taking the photos or looking through what other people have done. When I asked what they like most about photography, they all said something similar about how you can create different images and capturing memories.

from the poll I did asking which type they preferred majority said portrait. both portrait and black and white are what I am doing it on.

From doing this survey I was able to find out what people are interested in and what people enjoy the most.

I also did a questionnaire for the people in my family about my project.

Me; What do you like about my idea?

Participant 1: I like that you're doing it with the younger generation because I don’t see a lot from the younger generation.

Participant 2: I like that you’re doing both portrait and Black White photography, I think they will work well together.

Participant 3: I like that you are doing it with children because I think they can give a lot more. I cannot wait to see the final product from the photos you have taken inspiration from and see how you have changed them.

Participant 4: I like that you aren't just sticking to one you are challenging yourself and it is also giving you experience.

Me: Out of the two types of photography I am doing (potrait, Black and White) which do you like best?

Participant 1: personally, I prefer portrait photography. I prefer this because you still have the colour within the image, whereas with black and white there isn't colour it's just shades.

Participant 2: I like both ideas you have but I like Black and White more

Participant 3: I like Black and white more than portrait. I think photos in black and white look better.

Participant 4: I like both and both are very affective and will work well together. I can't choose between them both.

Me: Do you think it will look better with children or older people?

Participant 1: I think children because you can capture so much more within children through facial expression and how they look.

Participant 2: I think it older people because they can show more emotion and achieve what you want because children can lose interest quickly and not want to do it which can be hard. Also, they might not get what you are trying to explain to them.

Participant 3: I think both together will look good and you can achieve more because the child might feel more confident with someone else doing it with them.

Participant 4: I feel children will be better because they can be creative and help you think other ideas. By involving them in the shoot they might enjoy it more because some are their ideas.

Me: what type of location do you think will be best?

Participant 1: I think somewhere outdoors will look more effective because you have flowers and trees in the background.

Participant 2: outside such as a forest.

Participant 3: I think blank background will be best because they tend to move which means you have to get them in the right position while you get ready.

Participant 4: personally, I think blank background because your subject will be in focus all the time and you will not be drawn to the background.

Me: What can I change?

Participant 1: I don’t think you need to change lot; I would try to incorporate other people in your household in the shoot you are doing.

Participant 2: even though you have the idea of shooting on a plain backdrop either incorporate flowers into the images or do some outside and see which will look better.

Participant 3: try and involve other people in if you can.

Participant 4: try and incorporate other things such as flowers/ teddy bears for the model to hold.

From this form of Primary research with the information I have gathered there has been a mixed response to each question. With what each of them have said I will take into consideration what they have said and how I can incorporate what they have said into my work.

With having this feedback from the people, I questioned has helped me decide on what I am doing and have a plan in place instead of doing whatever come to mind. By doing this questionnaire with the people I live with they got an idea of what I was doing. They all gave be ideas to thing about and how I can improve. Their input into my work will help me think of new ideas and try and do what they have said.

With this research it will help me with my FMP so I can take on board other people's ideas about what i can do to help both me and aim it at my audience.

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